Ricard martínez bernadó (lleida)

Ricard Martínez is a Spanish classical saxophonist and music theorist currently living in The Netherlands. He is researching and arranging new pieces to increase the saxophone repertoire and working with young composers premiering new pieces. Ricard is currently studying his second year of Master's in the Conservatorium of Maastrich majoring in Classical Saxophone with Mrs Eva van Grinsven.

He started his studies in the “Conservatori Municipal de Música de Lleida” under the guidance of the saxophonist Ramón Álvaro Ferrandis and continued in 2017 as a student in the conservatorium of Maastricht taking part in different musical projects in the Classical and the Music Theory departments.

Since the beginning of his studies of Music Theory in 2018, he developed skills in historical performance practice, partimento and continuo playing, improvised counterpoint and analytical musical research. He also attended many conferences, masterclasses, workshops and roundtable with world-class experts in their fields such as Mr David Mesquita, Mrs Susana Clarck, and Mr Bernabé Janet...

Ricard supports the creative movement that we are living; inspiring young composers, students of music, saxophonists and the general public to enjoy and bring musical experiences as an essential part of human development.